The Brand Behind The Brands
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IDC Group Company
October 16, 2018

September 25, 2018

Sometimes, you can be part of the extraordinary and design your own spaces… HIX. It´s all about you…

April 12, 2018

Limits should be overcome. Rules should be broken. Boundaries crossed. Elements Collection has managed to create the unexpected. Nature and technology finally merge and create a singular experience.

April 19, 2018

Sometimes, you can be part of the extraordinary and design your own space… Hix. It´s all about you…  

May 22, 2018

Imagine… expressing yourself beyond the conventional. Being able to define and design the items around you, reflecting at home your true personality. Atelier provides a chance to trust your instincts and develop a style that is faithful to yourself. Atelier, create your own style.

May 24, 2018

We are all different, unique and unrepeatable… although we gather in communities, in cities and share a common culture. HIX Collection embraces that way of thought with its formal concept, creating a contemporary, singular product, easily adaptable to every single space and personality. Its cosmopolitan and highly personal character is denoted in every single item […]

May 29, 2018

Tribeca is that state of mind when you experiment mixed tendencies, influences gathered with talent. Tribeca is a restless soul collection, cosmopolitan and full of nuances reflected in ever one of its items.

May 30, 2018

Like every year, it is with great pleasure that we would like to invite you to our experience booth at KBC Fair in Shanghai, celebrated next June. (booth W5C01).

September 5, 2018

Textures is a collection that enhances the richness of the materials and their different textures, combining simplicity and diversity under the same volume.

September 11, 2018

Discover the neighbourhood of “Lower Manhattan”, through the Tribeca collection. Feel the energy of the diversity of its people and the mysticism of its buildings. Tribeca. Feel Cosmopolitan Soul.
